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I proofread ONE job at work yesterday. It's slow in my department because the store managers are the ones that keep us busy and they're too busy with the Anniversary Sale to worry about advertising something new.

One might think it's nice to have a few really slow days at work, but the days seem to last 18 hours. I would take up sudoku or crosswords but I get easily bored with stuff like that, too. The problem with having nothing to occupy my time is that I sit here and worry about all the things that aren't being finished at home. I could be painting the laundry room or cleaning the bathrooms or at least making the kids do their chores. I'm not saying I WOULD be doing that were I not at work, but I could.

Shane turns 13 tomorrow, then I OFFICIALLY have 3 teens, although I've been claiming him as a teenager since I started the blog. He was close enough- I doubt his behavior will have changed much by tomorrow!

My mom flew off to Vermont yesterday for a few weeks. I used to get terrible travel anxiety whenever she and my dad traveled. I get it when I am traveling by car but not by plane which seems completely bass-ackward, but that's how it is. I am always afraid I'll fall asleep at the wheel. I am prone to that, plus I have several friends who were seriously injured as a result of falling asleep while driving. I've never known anyone to be injured or killed in a commercial aircraft so I don't have any qualms about that. You'll probably never see me in a small plane, though. I know five people who have crashed in those, 4 of whom were killed.

When I went to the doctor yesterday to follow up with my withdrawal from Effexor and mentioned my feet are swollen like water balloons he didn't really offer any options to alleviate it. He also said exactly what I was dreading about anti-depressants- that there aren't any decent ones I haven't tried so maybe I should take up yoga (yes, he actually said that) or go to a psychologist. Or a psychiatrist to see if they have any new drug ideas. I have to say, I often wonder why I was blessed with depression AND migraines. One or the other is challenging enough for most people. I tell myself it's because God thinks I can handle it, so it must mean I'm a strong person. I don't really believe my own rhetoric, however. I was probably a horrible person in a past life and karma is paying me back.