Since it posted twice accidentally

10:24 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
I guess I have to write a new post since I unwittingly posted the story about the barncats twice. There isn't an option to delete so here's my edit.

I spent the entire evening last night doing one of my LEAST favorite activities- painting. Not only walls, but ceilings. I can't think of many things I enjoy less than painting ceilings. On top of that I didn't get to sleep at a decent hour, I'm down to a measly 10mg of antidepressant on my way to quitting them completely and a few of the people around me are pretty crabby today. Come to think of it I may have PMS as well, so the next person to look at me wrong may get their eyeballs scratched out.

Dave spent most of the evening while Chloe and I were painting making a trip to Lowe's for tile spacers, being grouchy and generally wasting time on the computer. I don't think I need to say anything more about that. As long as the floor is done before his family gets here...

I'm trying to figure out a new and possibly creative way to get the kids to do chores while nobody is there to supervise them. If anyone out there has ideas PLEASE POST THEM!

Chloe asked me while we were painting if I remembered when I fell down the stairs with her in our Woods Cross, UT house and sprained my ankle really badly. I couldn't believe she remembered that since she was only about a year old at the time. She assured me she remembered it vividly. That's amazing- I don't remember anything before I was about 2 1/2.


carol said...

I can sit and bully them on occasion. I have already proven to shane and chloe I am scary when crossed (: Brayden is harder to intimidate.