My Favorite Major

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I got some positive feedback from my favorite Marine (okay, he's the only one I know), Major Packard. He's an old friend from High School (read: old high school boyfriend) with whom I reconnected after our 20th reunion. Since he is published in a couple different magazines the nice comments about my writing were mucho appreciado!

Scott is one of those people with whom you never quite have enough time to hear all the stories you want to hear. Maybe it's just me, but the idea that there are U.S. military secrets bouncing around his head makes me want to keep him talking. I don't want to hear the secrets, per se (okay, I do, but I know he'd never tell) but I love to hear about all the cool places he's been and the scary things he's done. It's the stuff can't-put-it-down novels are made of, you know? I'm not even sure of his job description these days, but at one time it had something to do with anti-terrorism, which made me feel a little more secure since he's good at everything he sets out to do. He spent time at Guantanamo Bay (since the prisoners arrived even), was in Somalia when the 'Black Hawk Down' incident occurred and recently spent six months in Baghdad. He's the one I email when some new thing starts happening in the world. Maybe if he reads this he'll post his take on the recent Israeli actions in Lebanon.

I actually have more than one friend in a dangerous job. My friend Heidi whom I've known since I was 13 (26 years- 2/3 of my life!) is a detective in St. George, UT. During her first week as a detective she found herself at the end of an escaped felon's gun (I think I have this story right) and had to shoot and kill him. This girl is 5'2", 100 lbs dripping wet. Before becoming a detective she spent several years on the S.W.A.T. team and as a bike cop. On top of that she had custody of her sister's three children along with her own four plus one adopted son. That's 8 kids. She's a better woman than I!

Tomorrow is the biggest day of the year for my employer (Nordstrom)- day one of the Anniversary sale. We'll make more money in the next week than we do the entire holiday season. The downside is they make the desk jockeys (a.k.a. ME) work in the store for at least half a day. This will be my first Anniversary Sale 'on the floor.' I'm confident I'll screw up at least once. If you're an A.S. devotee don't forget you get double reward points if you use your Nordstrom card the first two days of the sale. That means you get to your Nordstrom Note for $20 a little sooner (what can you get at Nord's for $20 besides socks?) HAPPY SHOPPING!