Barncats in Ellensburg

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I have three really funny 'pod' mates at work. Tassoula, the lead writer, is an expert story teller and a rabid U2 fan. She's the true definition of 'fanatic' when it comes to her love of the band. I was shocked to see she has only ONE fairly small U2 sticker on her Saturn. If I can figure out how to do it I'll add a few web links where you can read some of her writing. The websites will be U2-related as you may have guessed.

Scott Clampett is a rock star. Seriously! He played guitar and sang for his former band called Amateur Lovers. This wasn't a garage band, folks- they opened for Ben Folds Five on a west coast tour. I'm in awe of anyone who can write music- a talent I wish I'd been blessed with but definitely WASN'T. He isn't your quitessential rock star, however. He's quite humble and a real gentleman. He wasn't forthcoming with the 'rock star' information at all- I had to pry that information out of him.

Jon Decker is the pretty, quiet one- sort of. He doesn't run off at the mouth like Tassoula and I, but he's sharply witty. He's a Cancer like Shane who is really sweet and sensitive. I see some similarities in Jon. He's sweet and pretty private about things that matter. As he put it he 'doesn't tell everyone everything about himself.' We know when he's done with the conversation because he turns around in his chair and puts on his big headphones. We love him anyway.

As an advertising team we think we're pretty creative and we definitely amuse ourselves. Anytime one of us spouts a particularly amusing phrase someone will say, "Hey, that would be a good band name" and Tassoula writes it down. We've compiled a fairly lengthy list of potential band names, one of which is 'Barncats in Ellensburg' based on the story of how two of my kittens had left one morning to become barncats in Ellensburg on a ranchette owned by one of Dave's co-workers.

That's the short story made long about how my blog got its name.