Things Change, Shoes Drop

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When I wrote the last post I failed to mention that every time things seem to be going well in my life I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop. While I realize things can't be great all the time, I was hoping it would last. The blessings haven't changed but I guess my attitude has. Don't get me wrong, I'm still fully grateful for all I'm given on a daily basis. What I'm getting at is this: I was really hoping that the beginning of the school year would be different this time. I hoped I wouldn't have to fight Brayden to get him to go to school, but alas we're back to more of the same. He's 17, thinks he's invincible and that he knows everything- just like every other 17-year old. I always feel like I'm balancing on this high-wire when it comes to him, not knowing how to get across. On one hand he's a big boy and should be responsible for his actions (or lack of). On the other hand he makes bad decisions and there need to be immediate consequences. If I wait for the natural consequences to catch up with him it'll more than likely be too late. Like not going to school = not graduating. This is the natural consequence, but if I just allow that to happen then I feel like I'm setting him up to fail. I just don't know the answer. Do I stop pushing and let him fail, or do I act the dutiful mother part and drag him to graduation by the noose around his neck?


Eric Devericks said...

Drag him...... kicking and screaming if needs be. Eric didn't graduate from High School and still hasn't graduated from college and as talented and successful as he is, he still sometimes gets sad that he's never graduated from anything. Brayden will thank you some day. Keep your chin up, it will be ok.

Ashley said...

Lj says to drag him to school. He's got 2 brothers that didn't finish and they aren't much further in life than they were skipping school.