Mercury in Retrograde
1:23 PM Edit This 0 Comments »What does that even mean? I looked it up and it just means that Mercury appears to be going backward because of the angle it's moving in relation to the earth. The web site I looked at said it's not a good time to start anything new, but it's a great time to finish projects, edit your manuscript, etc. Whateva!
Work is no longer boring all the time, but totally hoppin'. It makes the workday seem to go by so much faster, which is good. Who wants to count every minute when you're at work? Not me.
My Marine friend Scott is overseas again and has been regaling me with some entertaining stories. He's currently on a ship somewhere near Okinawa and he sent me some pictures of a Harrier jet hovering over the deck of his ship. It's such an amazing thing- that those jets are able to seemingly hang in the air and lower slowly down to the deck. I'm sure it's nearly as frightening to land that way as it is to touch down on a deck the length of a football field praying your tailhook will catch, or that you'll have enough thrust to head up instead of down into the water if it doesn't. My uncle who used to be a Navy pilot said that was the most frightening thing he's ever done- landing on a carrier. And I believe it.
Oh, how I'd love to ride with one of the Blue Angels in an F/A-18 Hornet. Did you know there's currently a female on the Blue Angels' roster?
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