Camping in Moses Lake, WA

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I'm such a slacker! We're back from our family vacation to Lake Easton and Moses Lake. We borrowed my friend Jennifer's Waverunners and took them along while we camped. We had a great time- seriously! I didn't really want to go camping, but it was really fun and I'd even do it again. We were also able to connect with my childhood friend Jana and her husband and 5 boys. It was great to catch up with her and to see her kids. Just like mine, they keep growing up!

I'll post pictures of the trip. There aren't many because I forget I have a camera. Maybe Camille will send me some she took. She always has her camera in her purse. Isn't she a smarty?

We stayed the first night in a 'real' campground where we actually had to rough it a little. The next 3 nights we were in a resort campground that had electricity at our site, a pool with a water slide and a huge hot tub shaped like a flower. I'll post pictures of that. It was nice except for the lack of shade. We just had a great time hanging out together and teaching the boys to share the Waverunners.

I didn't stick very well to my diet. I'm afraid it has been more exceptions than rules for me so far. I opened my closet full of clothes that are too small right now and that motivated me to have a salad for dinner. I guess I need to do that daily!

Dave said he checks my blog all the time to see if he's mentioned, so he's getting honorable mention here. I'm sure he'll finish the tile this week (hint, hint) and that when we start the kitchen remodel he'll work on that daily so it is finished quickly! Positive thoughts, envision the end result and it will happen... all that psycho-babble.

Tomorrow it's back to work to see what's happening with the crew. Jon comes back from Michigan tomorrow and we're hoping he has decided to take a permanent position in our happy little group. He's a contractor right now and if he doesn't accept their offer we have to replace him with a permanent writer. Everyone pray that he'll take it- we really like him!