Some day

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Okay, I've resigned myself to the fact that my kitchen will get done 'some day.' It's such slow going. The major electrical stuff is done- the switches, outlets and lights just need to get put on (tonight!). The big delay now is that the floor that was in there (vinyl) was laid over linoleum tile that was glued down and Dave is having a heck of a time getting it up! He has one of those long floor scraper tools and it takes all his strength to shove it under those glued tiles. I can't even get the tool under the tile!

He did bring up a few of the cabinets because he needs to see how they fit. I think I blogged about the mis-measurement of the space- so we have to figure out how they need to remedy it. It looks like they'll be building us a new lower and upper cabinet for the outside wall. That'll take about 3 weeks they said. Dave said he can still make the template for the granite, but we can't install it on that end until the cabinet gets here, obviously.

Tassoula, my lead at work has taken a job as PR/writer for a private gifted school in Shoreline. I think it's called the Evergreen School. I'm happy for her and proud of her for finding something that will use all her writing skills. The bad news is we'll be down a writer until they replace her, which never happens quickly around here. It's a little scary because we're just coming into fashion show/beauty trend show season and they're very time consuming. I think we'll get through it okay. The most frustrating thing happening at work right now is that they're making us help the sign shop editor whom I believe is just to slow at her job. Since we're losing a writer I doubt any of us will have time to do it. We think the reason they shoved it on us is because when one of the managers walks by he sees us talking and thinks we don't have anything to do. I can understand that- so we need to quit talking so much and at least look like we're working. I don't mind helping out the sign shop (although it's maddening to see their editor walking around chatting, then have her boo-hoo about not being able to get her work done.) I hope they will take into account the fact that we've lost a writer after Friday when Tassoula is gone.